Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Allow Hatha Yoga Poses to strike a harmony within to bring a balance of the mind and body Feel relaxed and bring in a smooth rhythmic pattern of breathing by practicing Hath Yoga Poses Yoga moves are scientifically proven to benefit both the mind and the body

In the practice of Yoga Nidra technique,the practitioner is supposed to lie down making use of his whole body as a focus of being aware. This same practice is called by another name chi in China. Yoga Nidra enhances the flow of life force in your body. It has to be practiced in a warm and a quiet space. While performing this asana as you lie on your back, your arms are supposed to be away from your body and palms turned upwards. Your feet have to be hip width apart and your toes pointing outwards. In fact your body has to lie symmetrical and throughout this asana, you have to keep your eyes shut. It is this supine and relaxed position that influences your consciousness and prepares you to let go, and assisting you to balance the flow of life force in your body. Yoga moves place a strong emphasis on various postures. During this asana the instructor will guide you to bring awareness to a particular part of your body. You will learn to rotate awareness by tensing and releasing different parts of your body. When instructed to tense your muscles, you will have to breathe in deeply and then breathe out to release your muscular tension. 

For more information visit website through #Yogamoves.

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